My parents are living in the house I grew up in. Louie has been their neighbor for 47 years. I played with Brenda, and Linda who were Louie and Wanda's children. We used to play QUEENs and KINGS...and fight over who was the Queen. Linda usually won because she was older.
Three years ago Brenda shared her genealogy with me. Our families in this life are middle class, living in homes purchased in the 50's, new for 10-15 K. We discovered late in life that we are related to the offshoots of Le Conquorer..they through Edmund, father of the Black Prince, and we on mom's side to Edward, father of Thomas of Woodstock. William Shakespear had fun with those ancestors...Hehe.
Brenda has recently moved home to care for Louie and her adopted son., and I see her sometimes when I'm at my parents home.
Louie had a garage for his motor bike, attatched to the house where we kids in the neighborhood played. Louie loved Vargas...hehe, and so did the neighborhood boys. It was strange for lil' miss lani who, for her first, second, third and fourth grade, attended Notre Dame parochial school. (I alway threw up after madatory confession. Not a joke!!) *~*~lala
Soooo....back to Louie. He kept his "naughties" in the pure light of day. He's an awesome guy, and almost died recently. Wanda died , goddess rest her soul, two years ago. We were naughty children yes, but oft' the naught was directed to she who "cannot look because you go to Catholic School". Thus began my ostracization from "the others". I learned to love adult conversation, and had a few great kid friends. Now, this reformed Catholic says to enjoy life always. Hedonism only destroys brain cells...and many a Catholic Priest were drunk in our home ...tipping whiskey with the parents. Father Fagan (no kidding) smoked pot...and ran away with a nun. (I was his minstral playing music for folky mass until age 16!!)
Trees are fun to climb as kids...but this tree finds lila time traveling often through fictional history, mellow musing, and through reading about the past.
Religion no longer has a hold on me. Only the wind, rain, sun, moon and stardust do.
The church of the holy earth is always eager for tending.
Jon Anderson from legendary band "YES" produced this album with Warner Music and sings in two of the tracks, this video was done for one of them: "The 2nd Prey", and it was possible thanks to a generous donation by the Tony Osher Foundation/Productions + Warner Music.
Heaven & Earth was born from a small group of friends that would sing in the campfires of annual reunions at the beach. Later, they all got involved in ecological activities and spiritual gatherings and the circle of friends became bigger and the songs better.
"Councils of Visions" are gatherings of people of different nationalities and spiritual beliefs that have organized giant gatherings to share the knowledge of different ancient and new age traditions, among them: the Red Path of the Native American tribes, the warrior & sacred path of the Pre-Hispanic traditions of America (Olmec Toltec, Mayan, Aztec, etc.), Quartz Nature, Auto-Sustainable Living, Alternative Energy workshops and a mix of practices & wisdom from Buddism, Hinduism and Tai-Chi as well. These "Council Gatherings" became huge, sometimes up to 10,000 people camping on the middle of nowhere with months of proffesional eco-preparation for 2 weeks of Utopian Living (like a "Rainbow Festival" upgraded with conferences and a "Buring Man Festival " organization), and did several giant gatherings and rituals on different energy spots of America including pyramids and sacred chackras of the land all over the continent in which "Cielo y Tierra" participated and also played their music.(check out: Consejo de Visiones, Consejo Birregional, Rainbow Gathering, or Tortuga Island on Google)
Jon Anderson heard "Cielo y Tierra" in one of his mystery magical journeys and got amazed by their music, he offered to bring them to the commercial world of music and produce for them an album, the band agreed as long as their way of working and music would be respected.
"Cielo y Tierra" is: Pedro Vadhar- composition and lyrics & 4 beautiful girls: Estushia-lyrics, guitar and percusions, Angelica, Luana & Mariana-choirs and percusions.
The video was shot in Amatlan de Quetzalcoatl, Morelos Mexico, (hometown of the "Great Quetzalcoatl" lider and messiah in Pre-Hispanic times) a few miles from the famous pyramid of Tepoztlan and Malinalco piramids.
It is a MusicVideo-Documentary testimony of a real shamanic ritual night, held specially for the video by shamans of 3 different traditions: Hopi, Huichol and Aztec. At first, all 3 shamans rejected the idea and told director Leonardo Bondani that they would never mix their ritual with another tradition and that it had never been done, also that cameras where totally out of the question. Pedro, the girls and Leonardo asked the elders if it wasn't the time our ancestors had predicted for all traditions to come out of obscurity and be shared with the world at no delay to awaken as much souls as possible before the year 2013.
An all day & night ritual that started with ceremonies for the 4 elements and dances during the evening made the setting for the night chants, drumming and a sweatlodge ceremony in which the sacred tobbaco pipes where lit, and share with the viewer how after hours of singing and dancing, this altered states of mind done in a proper & respectful way conect us all to the sacred world of love & life.
Binah is the Spere of Saturn, and Saturn is the astrological correspondence to the finitising principle. Saturn condenses, fixes, materializes, restricts. Thus Saturn corresponds to the alchemical idea of saltiness associated with the Great Sea of Binah. But just as "FINITISING" and "FINISHING" both come from the same Latin root, so Saturn, as the representative of that which establishes definite form, is also representative of that which brings things to COMPLETION. This is one of the reasons why Saturn is so often symbolized as an old man with a scythe. In the Qabalah the same thought is intimated by the attribution of Sanctifying Intelligence to the third Sephirah, inasmuch as a saint is a "JUST MAN MADE PERFECT."
(pg. 133) Esoteric Keys to Alchemy by Paul Foster Case
This may end up being a log blog...for my soul serves and searches, and knows the fullness of this harvest is for All My Relations. I must share broadly, and this means and ways creates avenues of illumination for plentiful light-showered travel.
My Mormon ancestors know I reach to them in celestial heaven. Having not been brought up with anything more than "churchianity"... social catholics we were, I've found Nature to be the grounds of worship that brings most fruitful abundance, and towards this Earth I've often humbled. A Child has returned to pick up a shovel and heave some soul, exposing worms. The work never ceases, though it pleases not only I, but All My relations. Great Spirit furthurs each breath with wanton..and desire is what keeps the ember alive, for a future fire.
Today a soror on the Path of Qabala, and fellow non-Mormon on the Mormon Mystic yahoogroup shared some light bits to chew. I love Chrys...and she's powerful significant in my life. A fellow of B.O.T.A., and newly accepted into Co-Masonry, her sincerity and love enhance this life. From Chrys this morning:
"The Egyptians believed that human beings were the "seeds" for stars. It was believed that human beings were walking, talking, thinking, conscious "starstuff". And indeed that is what we are. Our bodies are made from interstellar dust, which is the remains of ancient dead stars, cosmic debris and galactic particles. Throughout the course of our history on this planet, dust and water miraculously created animated star matter."
This reminds me of Thelema, and also, Mormon doctrine of God(dess)es.
Love and L.V.X., yep...that was from Chrys, and thinking of muses, and getting into a position of sharing music again. I'm thrilled to have re-connected with a former bard friend who will be coaching me again soon, towards releasing some new tunes. We all need muses it's true..yes! So it's into the wood shed she goes.
Sid Meister...thanks buddy. It'll be awesome to work witch ya again. Remember Redding Civic Auditorium? There I backed on Rhythm guitar whilst you competed for your second flatpicking championship. For some reason, Whiskey Before Breakfast became my least liked song from the past. Hehe. So's it goes. Methinks to get the picken licks chopped up again.
I remember when we had our picture taken with Michael Hedges, rest his soul!! We invited him to the Blue Nile, after the concert at Cedar Grove..and he said he was going to come over for a massage!! We gathered an interesting crowd of Hedges enthusiasts...hehe...we all were waiting with eagerness. To no avail. Now Michael sings in my mind often, I carry his heart with me... Rest in Peace brother.
Petals of the Lotus are Many..The Flower is One Teachers and Religions are Many...The Truth is ONE.. Lakes and Rivers are many...The Ocean is ONE..
You are my Father, you are my Brother, you are my Lover and you are my friend. You're the Beginning, You are the Center...and you are BEYOND the END..
And I love you so, you help me to see. To see You in to see we are FREE.. I'm in you and you're in me.
We are a circle within a Circle with no Beginning and never Ending*~
"When we are looking through our magical glasses, we can learn to realize that there is only energy in a primordial form. But the full leap in consciousness occurs when we realize that the one who is looking through the glasses, and indeed the glasses themselves, are the same as what is being seen - it is all energy, or all love; the subject is identical with the object. We realize that there is no separation between what is being seen and the 'who' that is seeing. This is the ultimate and deepest meaning of Presence.
At first we may think that we 'experience' Presence, but that is a dualistic mindset that will eventually be transcended. One may say: 'I had a wonderful experience today; I experienced Presence!' However the statement betrays the fact that the speaker is using dualistic language - there is a subject, 'I,' and an object, 'Presence.' This is a deluded experience. The student has missed the point. When we fully realize the all-consuming nature of Presence, we release our sense of self and all of its encumbrances. This is the point of liberation: there is only Presence, the oneness. Thus, the actual experience might be stated, 'Presence is all there is,' or, 'This is it'."
Life is short. Break the rules; Forgive quickly; Kiss slowly; Love truly; Laugh uncontrollably; And never regret anything that made you smile.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we should dance!!
I received this great mail from a friend...(>waving to ya buddy<)*...Randy spends most of his time in a wheel chair, CP keeps 'em from dancing on his toes..but the spirit knows to Waltz. xoxo
And, just thinking about abundance happening...Love, sex, Moonblood, sunshine, starshine...extacy, living full and drinking of the jubliant recipients filling and fueling, gracefully spilling... thinking ceases and experiencing becomes the thesis of our Living.
When sitting at the control panel...KZFR...circa 1992-6, I played Enigma...often. Jeffrey, a man of furs and frolic.. was my muse at the much reflection, and direction, about something that we all encounter...
the brain and it's ability to function wholly.
So..thinking of falling feathers, of great loves from 12 years ago...and of those musical Zephyr days...playing the tunes , I bow to the inner child.
HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
W.B. Yeats
"Return To Innocence" Enigma..from Cross of Changes
That's not the beginning of the end That's the return to yourself The return to innocence Love - Devotion Feeling - Emotion Love - Devotion Feeling - Emotion Don't be afraid to be weak Don't be too proud to be strong Just look into your heart my friend That will be the return to yourself The return to innocence If you want, then start to laugh If you must, then start to cry Be yourself don't hide Just believe in destiny Don't care what people say Just follow your own way Don't give up and use the chance To return to innocence That's not the beginning of the end That's the return to yourself The return to innocence Don't care what people say Follow just your own way Follow just your own way Don't give up, don't give up To return, to return to innocence. If you want then laugh If you must then cry Be yourself don't hide Just believe in destiny.
"The next day,the Monkey Queen set out on a raft to travel across the sea. After travelling for many years, she still had not learned the way to immortality."
(written for Julian 12 years ago...)
Heart a'fire, I sing this song.. The depth of feeling no diver reached.
Though I seek to immerse myself in these unchartered seas,
my trembling body ashore begins to release the necessary fear to take the risk to Swim or Sink.
I let my heart unfurl and feel the winds that change and blow the gusty sails.
Where the course will lead I do believe is such a mystery. My mind, it stretches to know a place that's still unseen.
The children beckon me to throw away my maps, forget the storms and, dance in the rain.
I hear their music, smiling at their songs.. I, too, age of innocence and trust...
Where all that is is where it is...
And....That is Where it Belongs!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Tonight I cried...for I lost a part of myself In Lakech...
There Are Delicacies by Earle Birney
there are delicacies in you like the hearts of watches there are wheels that turn on the tips of rubies & tiny intricate locks i need your help to contrive keys there is so little time even for the finest of watches
Cordyceps is a genus of ascomycete fungi that includes thousands of species. The species that parasitizes the vegetable caterpillar — Cordyceps sinensis is the most famous of these, having long been considered a precious ingredient in Chinese traditional medicines.
All Cordyceps species are parasitic, mainly on insects and other arthropods (they are thus entomopathogenic fungi); a few are parasitic on other fungi like the subterranean, truffle-like Elaphomyces. The mycelium invades and eventually replaces the host tissue, while the elongated fruiting body (stroma) may be cylindrical, branched, or of complex shape. The stroma bears many small, flask-shaped perithecia that contain the asci. These in turn contain the thread-like ascospores, which usually break into fragments and are presumably infective.
The genus has a worldwide distribution and most species have been described from Asia (notably China, Japan, Korea and Thailand). The genus has many anamorphs (asexual states), of which Beauveria (possibly including Beauveria bassiana), Metarhizium, and Isaria) are the better known, since these have been used in biological control of insect pests. Cordyceps species are particularly abundant and diverse in humid temperate and tropical forests.