Sunday, September 16, 2007
On a raft out to sea...Monkey Queen finds immortality..
"The next day,the Monkey Queen set out on a raft to travel across the sea. After travelling for many years, she still had not learned the way to immortality."
(written for Julian 12 years ago...)
Heart a'fire,
I sing this song..
The depth of feeling
no diver reached.
Though I seek
to immerse myself
in these unchartered seas,
my trembling body ashore
begins to release
the necessary fear to take the risk
to Swim or Sink.
I let my heart unfurl
and feel the winds
that change and blow
the gusty sails.
Where the course will lead
I do believe is such a mystery.
My mind, it stretches to know
a place that's still unseen.
The children beckon me
to throw away my maps,
forget the storms and,
dance in the rain.
I hear their music,
smiling at their songs..
I, too, age of innocence and trust...
Where all that is
is where it is...
And....That is Where it Belongs!!