Friday, February 23, 2007

The PARK on Park....Avenue, that is

Here we are, Lila, Rich, and Beau....the chocolate labrador.... in a photo taken by our friend and Beau's master, Jeff Greening. I could write journals about "The Park on Park"...but will keep it down to a REaders Digest version for whatever it's worth. It was a beautiful Saturday, 2-17-07. We took a leisurly stroll through Chico's newest park. The three of us know and appreciate the magic that allowed the aquisition of this property. It has been a year and a half since we hosted , "Music at the Park", to create interest in the purchase of this parcel, ( persuade Maureen Kirk to change her "NO" vote to a "Yes...") . There was great satisfaction in seeing how much trash and debris had been cleared from the homeless camps. Hopefully the park will soon be open to the public.

Formerly a hog ranch, back in Chico's early days, the Thomasson family recently sold this parcel to the City of Chico. We know it was meant to be. Great Spirit saw to it.

Give thanks.

A new bicycle path will come soon...or so the little birdie said. ( How 'tweet it tiz.)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Madwagon lil gears up for Candalmas

she is her own thrill

Dancing dreams awake
while rearranging the furniture of this life...
she muses

enough to laugh

An ordinary girl in an un-ordinary world

of Activating Excellerating Radiating Rays...

......thinking upon the Blessed Brigid, triple *3* goddess feasting..

honoured by the Crone, whose glossy maiden hair weaves around rose red rafters..

looking upon us...from her ancient ayin

Wafting long after the delete button is clicked.

~*Come to Egypt*~
I'm there..we're here...Everywhere Is.

Is Is
